Congenital Malformation... A Complex Surgery Restores Their Health

A specialized pediatric cardiac surgery team at Alkafeel Hospital in Karbala has successfully treated two infants suffering from a complex pulmonary vein anomaly, a condition that had prevented them from leaving the hospital since birth.

Dr. Ahmed Abboudi, Director of the Cardiac Surgery Center, stated in a press interview:
"We received two infants from Sulaymaniyah, both aged two months, who were transported by ambulance under the supervision of a paramedic and supported by mechanical ventilation due to their extremely critical condition."

Dr. Abboudi further explained:
"For the past two months, these infants had been hospitalized due to severe respiratory issues, preventing them from being discharged. They were diagnosed with a highly complex congenital defect known as Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Connection (TAPVC), where the pulmonary venous drainage was partially obstructed, putting them at imminent risk of death."

The pediatric cardiac surgery team performed a successful corrective procedure, restoring normal blood flow and eliminating the obstruction. Following the surgery, both infants have overcome the critical phase, are no longer dependent on mechanical ventilation, and are now recovering well—on their way to living a healthy life like their peers